Friday, April 17, 2009


Today, I witnessed and experienced nature at it's best. Everything she had to offer... knowledge, wisdom, love, purpose... came all at once today. I hope I can recollect today's events in my death bed. So much fun, excitement, happiness, love, desire, faith, and goodness.

It's rewarding to know and feel that I've made a positive impact in the world... let alone one young girl. To be able to stimulate their minds with the love and passion of science. Not just biology... but all sciences. Hearing what they know so far in this field... inspires me to help them gain more knowledge about the world around us. The world that gives us all the answers as long as we listen. Instincts, fears, happiness, serendipity... why? How could these things occur... how are they felt... better question: Why? The promise that these young girls possess... encourages me to become the best... for them... for nature.. for me... for the greater good. I can't believe how happy it made me to see their curious faces. They're our future.

After the educator was finished with her presentation, I told the girls that they are so fortunate to grow up in such an exciting era in sciences. We continue to grow and improve our understanding and overall well being. Seeing their eyes light up with excitement... inspires me to succeed and grow WITH them. They soaked in every bit of information... as long as you kept their minds active and stimulated. It was amazing. I hope they learned a lot... I know I did: we are living proof of greatness.