Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Let nature take its course

Well... I guess I've reached the threshold. Sometimes you just have to let nature take its course and surrender to its calling. All I can manage to say to myself are phrases meant to encourage someone to "spring forward" and "turn over a new leaf." Although they're all true and are intended to realize and recognize the brighter side of everything... sometimes it's hard to come to terms with them. Often times it's a bit unfortunate or even heartbreaking to accept the transition. But all anyone can really do in situations like these is keep pushing forward.

All I can really do is remember my purpose and my goals... and my dreams. Remember that ultimately ... I don't exist for myself... but for the greater good of humanity and love. It's really the only thought that keeps me going and fighting.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes its best just to let go, and free yourself from situations which will bring you down and prevent you from rising to the top
