Believe in true love. I know there's people out there who either do not believe in love or are losing hope in finding true love. It's ok to be heartbroken... we all learn lessons and gain experiences from them. Yes it hurts and it may be the end of the world at the time.. but it really isn't. Give yourself time to heal and find the love within yourself to help mend your wounds. I know that it may be difficult at first... I know that there may or will be moments of weakness where you want to turn to someone or something to fill that void... but honestly... that's a temporary fix. After that person or thing is gone.. what is the next step? Finding love within yourself is definitely key to finding love externally... or for love to find you. Law of attraction. I know that some may not agree or are skeptical on the topic... but it makes sense to me. Put the positive energies and love out into the universe... and the universe will return it. Just like everything in may not be an instantaneous reflection... all good things come in time. Patience. Hope. Love. Truth. Find them within yourself.. and they will find you. There may be days or nights where it will become more difficult to hope and stay positive... but remember... that you deserve unconditional and eternal love. You deserve a genuine heart and soul that will aid you in your growth as a human being! Love yourself... and the universe will return it.
Be faithful to your beliefs and accept your flaws. No one is perfect... but that doesn't mean that we should abandon our growth to perfection. And by perfection.. I do not mean to cast people away because they are different or have different beliefs or lifestyles... I mean perfection as we are meant to be. Whole. One. Balanced. Loved. True. EVOLVED. True love exists if and when we choose to believe it exists. When we choose to accept and welcome it. Love is being thankful... love is being respectful... love is a reflection of the self. Find it... and appreciate it. It has always been there... and always will be.
I know that true love exists because I witness it's power each and every day. I find love within myself... within my family... within my friends... within the music I listen to... within the beauties of nature. All my love to you.
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