Friday, September 16, 2011

The Flow

I know that we've been told all our lives to hold certain emotions... to remain silent because we shouldn't be saying something that goes against what we've been taught. Letting the flow of energy is key to finding our peace. Once we find our inner peace... we can and will find peace overall. We open our hearts to certain things and certain people... and we open our minds to certain thoughts and opinions... yet it is so difficult for us to accept change. I used to ask the universe "Why can't he/she/they change?" or "How could someone think like this/that?". ... but without opposing thoughts and opinions... how can we formulate and create our own? Currently... I find myself thanking the universe for sending me these differing thoughts and opinions because now is my chance to choose carefully. To make a choice ... do I honor my present feelings, thoughts and opinions... or do I change my perception? Like the word KARMA... the word CHANGE holds a negative connotation in most minds. But they are neither bad nor good. They are natural processes... they are natural laws. Therefore, to change one's perception may bring growth and may open the mind, and the Self, to positive energies and vibrations. Change is a beautiful thing... but we were taught: "always remain the same". If we substitute "the same" with "true" ... we hear ... "always remain true". True to who? True to yourSELF. Allowing change for yourself permits the self to grow and experience.

Allow the energy to flow naturally by staying true to your thoughts and emotions. If this flow is disrupted or blocked... we begin to internalize and contract this energy.... until it explodes into anxiety and/or depression. Give your peace to keep your peace.

Words flowing from my heart space. I feel a subtle pressure over my brow/forehead right now. What does this mean? Whatever it feels very loving and joyful. :)


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