Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cherish and express your love

Cherish every moment and every word with the ones that you love and adore.  Speak your words with your loving truth and say what you need and want to say.  We often take for granted the times and opportunities that are presented to us... and we constantly put off what we want to say and/or do until the next moment ... or day... or week... or month.  The next moments... days... weeks.. months... are not guaranteed.  Decisions made by you and/or others may and will create a new path.  This path may alter your thoughts... feelings & emotions... even your destination (both physically and metaphorically). Enjoy the times you have with your loved ones.  Create more adventures to add to your journey and cherish these moments.

Recognize and realize what is real... recognize and realize what and who is love.  Be grateful and appreciate these moments we have with those whom we love and adore.  From every breath to every smile... cherish them.  GIVE THANKS.  ALWAYS remember that they are your treasures and gifts.  Express your love and gratitude for having them in your life.  Letting someone know that they are loved and adored ... will change their world... and warm their hearts.   *HUG*

Love and Light

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