Sunday, November 6, 2011

Honor yourself

To honor yourself... is quite often a difficult task.  Sometimes we may not be aware of actions that may dishonor ourselves and our truth.  You may be asking "What does it really mean to honor yourself?"

To honor yourself is to know and understand yourSELF and your truth.  It begins with how you perceive yourself - your image... your actions... your reactions... your tears... your fear... your heart... your soul... your expression ... your creations.  Focus on what you want to share with the world (your love... your smile... your laugh... your art... your healing touch) instead of focusing on what you can get from the world.  Share your love... share your light.

Also... do something that makes you happy.  Try to think back into your childhood... and do what you would have done back then that brought you joy and happiness... like jumping into a pile of leaves, or rolling down a hill, or exploring in the woods in your backyard, or even doing cartwheels!  Whatever it is... do it!!!  It's feels good to take yourself out of your daily grind and your worries.  It will bring your vibration higher and you will ultimately feel free.  Taking a step back... having a little bit of fun brings out the happiness and the light from within.  HAPPY EXPLORING EVERYONE!!  


Here's a video of me exploring.. just testing out a new approach to sharing my adventures with you.

This is my first vlog.  It ends up lagging towards the end since it's on my phone... so I'll have to remember to carry my camera or get a new one for the next vlogs.

Love always <3

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