Sunday, November 13, 2011

You are an amazing being

You deserve the best.  Who better to treat you like the king or queen that you are ... than you?  Who knows you better.. than you?  Consciously knowing that you are ultimately the only one responsible for your happiness and your energy... enables you to learn HOW to achieve your truth and your enlightenment.  Putting pressure and responsibility on another being to satisfy the needs of YOUR self may and will build resentment.  It brings and keeps your vibrations low and opens your being to negativity and doubts.  Remember... that EVERYONE is free to say and do as they please.  HOWEVER.... you know what moves your soul... and you know how to lift your spirit.  So do it for your SELF!  :)  Rely on your SELF... rely on your inner god or goddess to show you who you are... to keep you happy... and to be the greatest being you can and are meant to be.  You are a magnificent being who has the power to keep your vibrations high and positive.  You have the power to be the example of love and light 

We are here to build and create our paths.  To fill our paths with happiness, love and appreciation... it begins with the image we have of and about ourselves... and the ideas we have about and FOR ourselves.  <3

*Love & Light to you always*

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