Sunday, December 4, 2011

Karma is MOVING!!

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that I will be moving my blog over to tumblr.  Yes... someone has finally convinced me to move most (if not all) my posts to tumblr.  Here is the link:

I hope this experiment goes well.  :)  ::Crosses fingers::  I've been getting some emails and verbal notifications that the comment field is not working properly... and I've honestly run out of ideas on how to get this resolved.  So we shall see what happens on tumblr.   :)

Also, please check out my new vlog:

And of course.. please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences.

Love & light to you always,


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Love Always

I'm in love with you.  I'm in love with who you love with who you will become because you trust your love.  I love you because you were created from love.

You shine and follow your light.  You follow and accept universal laws and you stay true to you.  You follow you heart and listen to your spirit.

I love you because you know and honor your relationship with Source and the Universe.  I love you because you know and honor your relationship with Earth.. and your brothers and sisters.  I love you because you honor your relationship with Self.

You share your light to provide guidance and support for those who seek the truth.  You shine your light bright to find and honor your truth.  You graciously accept the truth.

I love you because you understand and share your compassion.  I love you because you are my brother, my sister, my father, my mother, my best friend... I love you because you are me.  I love you because you are love.

We are one love.

                 * * * Straight from my heart-space.
                               Love & Light Always,

Experience your present being

The past.  It's important for us to let go of the past and allow ourselves to experience the present.  Although past experiences can help us in making decisions for the present, it is unhealthy to dwell in past decisions, situations or circumstances.  Don't miss opportunities and don't miss your life  because of your yesterdays.  Forgive yourself and others for any shortcomings.  Allow yourself, as well as others, to experience their present being.  Accept your past... give it your blessings... keep the lesson(s) necessary for your growth and move forward.  Know that today is a new day to recreate yourself and reclaim your truth.  Today is the day to continue your beautiful journey in life.  Enjoy it and embrace your present being!

We are here to help each other become the brightest light we can be... and to also share our light with one another for guidance and support.  Let go of the past and allow the emotional wounds to heal.  The past was once you... but today you can create a new you.  The you that you want to be.  Trust in yourself and give yourself a chance to grow and evolve.

*Love & light 

Monday, November 28, 2011


Find the courage to follow your heart.  Your heart will lead you to your truth and allow you to listen to the whispers of your soul.  Remember that the universe is on your side and it will provide you with the tools and guidance you need... just trust.  Trust in your abilities... trust in your talents... trust in your gifts... trust in your passions.  Your self is trying to break free and experience your truth... why stop self?  

Align.  Align your mind, your heart and your soul.  Is everything you do and say in alignment with your truth?  If not... take the necessary steps to get back into alignment with who you are and who you want to become.  This is the challenge of always re-member your heart, your soul and your mind.

The ego will always try to alienate our truth with doubts and fears.  Align.  Stay true to your truth. 


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Invest in you

Even when others don't show you the love and support you want and need to keep moving forward with your dreams... know that this is your moment to show love and support for yourself.  Your talents, your gifts, your dreams and your passions... these are the tools your soul uses to express SELF.

Show yourself how much it means to you by investing your time, efforts and self in the things you love to do.  Show and share with the world how much you love your gifts and talents.  It's with what you share with the world that brings great impact and change.

It is never too late to invest in your talents, dreams and gifts as long as you're alive and well.  Others may try to bring your hopes and dreams down... but remember..that this is your gift, your talent and your dream.. and it is up to you how and when you share it with the rest of the world.  Have the strength to overcome your fears and doubts.  Let your unconditional love show by sharing your gifts and talents with the world.  Be strong.  Be true.  Be you.

Sing. Dance. Compose. Paint. Write.  Play.  Sculpt.  Create.  Dream.

Love & light to all of you <3

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Let go for freedom

When we say that we must let go... truly let go.  Let go of your short-comings... let go of your mistakes... and of course... forgive and ask for forgiveness.  By truly letting go you allow yourself to become the person you want and dream to allow growth.  Evolution.

Moving on and moving forward does not have to be a difficult task... if and only if we choose to make an effort to fight our fears with positive thoughts and of course ... thoughts of love.  Take that first step forward by allowing your worries from and of the past to just melt away.  Start new today and do the things that you love and enjoy.  Even the thought of doing the things you love can warm your heart and put a smile on your face.  Feel the warmth and embrace the freedom that you have just gained... the freedom that you have earned.  Freedom from your past and freedom from your fears...freedom to love who you are and who you will become.

One step at a time my friends... we are great beings...we are free... we are love... be free... be you.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

You are an amazing being

You deserve the best.  Who better to treat you like the king or queen that you are ... than you?  Who knows you better.. than you?  Consciously knowing that you are ultimately the only one responsible for your happiness and your energy... enables you to learn HOW to achieve your truth and your enlightenment.  Putting pressure and responsibility on another being to satisfy the needs of YOUR self may and will build resentment.  It brings and keeps your vibrations low and opens your being to negativity and doubts.  Remember... that EVERYONE is free to say and do as they please.  HOWEVER.... you know what moves your soul... and you know how to lift your spirit.  So do it for your SELF!  :)  Rely on your SELF... rely on your inner god or goddess to show you who you are... to keep you happy... and to be the greatest being you can and are meant to be.  You are a magnificent being who has the power to keep your vibrations high and positive.  You have the power to be the example of love and light 

We are here to build and create our paths.  To fill our paths with happiness, love and appreciation... it begins with the image we have of and about ourselves... and the ideas we have about and FOR ourselves.  <3

*Love & Light to you always*

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

We have the choice

Even when you seek advice and/or guidance from another being... ultimately... the decision is yours and ONLY yours to make.  You will always have the love and support from those who care for you... but you are the one that creates and walks your path.  When facing that "fork in the road" situation... ask yourself  "how will this encourage my growth?"  Take a deep breath... exhale... remember who you are and who you want to become.... then... speak from the heart.  Follow your excitement...and follow the things that move your soul.  Choose to enjoy life and choose to see the opportunities in every situation.

We are given the gift to make choices in order to experience and create what we want in life.  To always choose love over fear ... to live and love.  Fear can and may disguise itself as your own logic... hidden in a cloak made of your own judgments from the past... but you can always choose to keep your mind positive and see the opportunities to grow (spiritually, emotionally, and mentally).  Direct your heart towards that loving choice to enable you to experience your complete being... your complete truth.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Honor yourself

To honor yourself... is quite often a difficult task.  Sometimes we may not be aware of actions that may dishonor ourselves and our truth.  You may be asking "What does it really mean to honor yourself?"

To honor yourself is to know and understand yourSELF and your truth.  It begins with how you perceive yourself - your image... your actions... your reactions... your tears... your fear... your heart... your soul... your expression ... your creations.  Focus on what you want to share with the world (your love... your smile... your laugh... your art... your healing touch) instead of focusing on what you can get from the world.  Share your love... share your light.

Also... do something that makes you happy.  Try to think back into your childhood... and do what you would have done back then that brought you joy and happiness... like jumping into a pile of leaves, or rolling down a hill, or exploring in the woods in your backyard, or even doing cartwheels!  Whatever it is... do it!!!  It's feels good to take yourself out of your daily grind and your worries.  It will bring your vibration higher and you will ultimately feel free.  Taking a step back... having a little bit of fun brings out the happiness and the light from within.  HAPPY EXPLORING EVERYONE!!  


Here's a video of me exploring.. just testing out a new approach to sharing my adventures with you.

This is my first vlog.  It ends up lagging towards the end since it's on my phone... so I'll have to remember to carry my camera or get a new one for the next vlogs.

Love always <3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Using curse words

Using your words in a loving and compassionate way... does NOT... I repeat... DOES NOT... mean that you must relinquish the pleasures of cursing!  (yes... I said it... the pleasures... HAHA!)  :)  Seriously!  I know it may sound strange... (while I giggle uncontrollably as I'm typing all this) but you do not have to use curse words in a negative way.  Yes... they MAY have negative connotations to them... but... you can use these words responsibly.  We all know that we shouldn't curse while in the presence of young children (especially toddlers .. since we don't want their first word to be "SHIT!" or "DAMN IT!"  HAHA!) but I trust that we can use our best judgments on when it is appropriate to use these terms.  We can use these words to express positive feelings and/or beliefs in or on certain situations.  These terms can be used to express relief... excitement... joy... happiness... we just have to choose it.

To be honest... I LOVE to say the word "SHIT".  I love it... it's so much fun!  I mainly use "SHIT" to substitute phrases or words like  "other stuff," "whatever" or "something".  I also use "SHIT" to emphasize my EXCITEMENT.  For instance... "The view of the waterfall was amazing... SHIT!"  (HAHA) It just flows better for me.  Of course... I use this term CONSCIOUSLY.. meaning that I'm aware that I'm NOT using this term to destroy an image of someone, something or idea.  I use it in a way that flows with my energy.  Sometimes I'll feel very relaxed ...vibin' to some feel good music.. and I'll just say "I love this shit."  Curse words do not HAVE to be evil... IF and only IF we use them with discretion and responsibility... and of course... when appropriate.

We are free to speak our truth in any way we wish.  If we find that there are words that flow with our truth ... then use them... curse word or not.  It's a BLESSING to speak your truth and express.  But remember that we speak our truth in a respectful and responsible way to ENCOURAGE and ENLIGHTEN each other.   We use words to express ideas and thoughts to help each other build and grow.  I say EXPRESS!!!!

Love & Light <3

* * * * From the silly side of Karma * * * * * * 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cherish and express your love

Cherish every moment and every word with the ones that you love and adore.  Speak your words with your loving truth and say what you need and want to say.  We often take for granted the times and opportunities that are presented to us... and we constantly put off what we want to say and/or do until the next moment ... or day... or week... or month.  The next moments... days... weeks.. months... are not guaranteed.  Decisions made by you and/or others may and will create a new path.  This path may alter your thoughts... feelings & emotions... even your destination (both physically and metaphorically). Enjoy the times you have with your loved ones.  Create more adventures to add to your journey and cherish these moments.

Recognize and realize what is real... recognize and realize what and who is love.  Be grateful and appreciate these moments we have with those whom we love and adore.  From every breath to every smile... cherish them.  GIVE THANKS.  ALWAYS remember that they are your treasures and gifts.  Express your love and gratitude for having them in your life.  Letting someone know that they are loved and adored ... will change their world... and warm their hearts.   *HUG*

Love and Light

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Meditation, Evolution & Transformation

Looking back ... not even THAT far back... I see how and who I used to be.  So angry, worried and weary... I was constantly looking for some kind of outlet.  My form of creation is dancing and singing. These activities made (and still make) me feel so free and happy ... and I'm always in alignment... filled with so much joy.  Although alignment was always guaranteed with these activities (for me)... there came a point where I realized that it was a "temporary fix".  Due to working and attending classes... I cannot be in a dance studio as much as I would prefer.  Stress and pressure coming from so many angles; work, school, romantic relationship, family and friends... it felt like I was drifting further and further away from wanting to be connected with everyone... even the ones whom I love and cherish.

I knew something had to give... I knew that it was time for me to truly listen to myself.. my heart and my soul.  It was time to find peace and alignment.  I started meditating.  My original plan was to just sit in COMPLETE silence to turn off my mind... but I soon discovered that this was an extremely difficult task without music.  I searched youtube for some meditation music and stumbled upon a video which guides you through the chakras (link to the video).  Having read a little bit on chakras.. I gave it a try... WOW!  So thankful that I "stumbled" upon that video!  I started meditating in the morning and at night before bed.  After a few months, I no longer needed the video as a guide... I could meditate on my own (with music of course.. just because I love it so much!).

I'm so thankful to have made these changes and additions in my life.  So thankful for the guides and tools that has been given to me.  I used to be afraid of change... but now I understand the importance of change for our evolution.  We evolve mentally, spiritually and emotionally.  And in order to evolve we must take the steps and make the efforts TO change... and of course... embrace change.  Give yourself, as well as others, the chance to change and evolve.

I encourage everyone to make and take the time to meditate.  It's an amazing way to find our peace, our center, our alignment and of course... OURSELVES.


Monday, October 17, 2011

The meaning of following your heart

"Follow your heart" is something I've heard all my life.  Of course, I believe it's true but honestly.. I never really fully understood what that meant until recently.  To "follow your heart" is to allow your heart to seek and manifest/create what it wants.  To let the heart shine and share it's loving light with others.  It's natural to protect our hearts from harm... and truthfully... if this is truly what the heart wants... it will be a challenging task/path... but in the end ... your heart and YOU will be OK.  Happiness, joyfulness and love will always find you and be with you.
Denying your heart from what it really wants will open the door for fear to enter and it will ultimately lead to a longer healing process (should it not turn out the way you had hoped).  I understand that allowing yourself to love and give love can be a little frightening because no one wants to have their hearts broken or run the risk of having it broken.  But how would we ever know if we've never given the unknown a chance for a positive outcome?  Do we prefer to have the thoughts of "what if's" and regrets?  When will we allow ourselves to love and to choose love over fear?  When will we allow our love to shine?

Allow your heart to shine... allow your love to flow... allow the warmth of your heart to fill someone else's.  Your love is as radiant as the sun... but you must allow your heart to shine bright!

*Love always

Monday, October 10, 2011

The unknown

The unknown as in everything that is outside of our comfort-zone... everything that we have yet to discover... everything that we have yet to experience... everything that we have yet to create.   We were brought up in fear of the unknown... but why fear something that we have yet to understand?  It could be something wonderful and exciting!  It could be something meaningful and life changing!!  We do not always have to ask such critical questions about the unknown... only because it really comes down to our own experiences and our own opinions of everything.  Every moment of our lives we are creating and experiencing our unknowns.  I know this may seem unclear because I am speaking about something that is not concrete or something that is not defined... but that's the beauty part of it all!!  Right now.. this very moment... YOU maybe experiencing something that you have no control over... no expectations... just hope...  you've put out into the universe your gratitude for what you have and you've asked for what you've desired.. now ... we wait... we wait for the unknown result/outcome.. the unknown answer.

It's very easy to let fear into your mind when you have no clear idea of what may become of certain situations... but it's important to keep our minds positive and our hearts open.  Doing this helps us accept and appreciate what is to become of our current unknown.  It allows us to keep our minds and our hearts free... it allows us to grow.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Take some time

Take the time to stop and appreciate life and the beauty it brings.  Often we get caught up in our daily grind that we forget to acknowledge and appreciate the little things.  The beautiful fall sunsets... the turning colors of the leaves... the family of geese waddling towards the pond or lake.  Beauty and love are all around us... we just have to open our eyes... and look up. Smile back at the sun and allow yourself to bask in its warmth.
I know and understand that life can get hectic with and everything else in between.  But there comes a time where our deadlines and obligations become so heavy that we feel as if we cannot breathe. That's when we must stop or slow down.. and enjoy life for what it is and what it brings.
When can we just slow our pace or lay down on the green grass...look up in the sky and let life's beauties amaze us??  Feel the breeze on our faces...and watch the leaves dance on the trees.  Enjoy life my brothers and sisters... you deserve to enjoy and love.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Open your heart to overcome fear

Fear is so powerful.. that sometimes our logic/minds want and allow it to prevail. When your heartbreaks or yearns for something or someone... your body feels as if it is contracting all the energy around you and focusing it toward your center... your heart. Tears start to flow and all you want to do is speak your truth... but fear takes over your logic to remind you of its presence. Some things take time and patience... we cannot speak our truth straight away... (this I know very well). Although our hearts are breaking and tears begin to fall... we must remember that we will always and forever choose love over fear. We open our hearts ... let the wind carry away our fears... allow love back into our hearts and joy back into our minds. Look up and see the love all around you... the miracle life brings... the joy that we can embrace. Hope begins to build ... and fear is carried away as the sunsets.
Certain situations may and WILL break our hearts... but we must always have hope in love. Remember that we were created in the act of love... we are surrounded with love... we must share the love that we are so fortunate to have in our lives. "Fear is not the matter... I would so much rather open up my heart" - Amel Larrieux **Namaste

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Many search for their truth or just the ultimate truth often from external sources.  We continue this search for months even years... once we feel like we've tapped out our external sources... and we are still unsatisfied with the truth or the lack of progression... we give up. Lost in our thoughts and swimming in a large ocean of uncertainty... we often internalize these feelings of self doubt and confusion.. only to cause more uncertainty about the world... the truth... and worse... the self

This is where internal searching plays its greatest role.  We are here for ourselves... we can hear the truth within ourselves.  The truth begins from the individual and will manifest to the ultimate truth.  You just have to allow it... and allow yourself to discover and createYOUR truth.  Remember that everything in life is a process.  Just like a seed turns into a beautiful flower must care for it, and allow it to grow. You must possess and practice patience to witness the beauty and peace it will bring. 

Of course, external searching is also a good method in finding the truth... but I strongly feel that we must use it as a guide to create our own truth.

*Love & Peace

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Flow

I know that we've been told all our lives to hold certain emotions... to remain silent because we shouldn't be saying something that goes against what we've been taught. Letting the flow of energy is key to finding our peace. Once we find our inner peace... we can and will find peace overall. We open our hearts to certain things and certain people... and we open our minds to certain thoughts and opinions... yet it is so difficult for us to accept change. I used to ask the universe "Why can't he/she/they change?" or "How could someone think like this/that?". ... but without opposing thoughts and opinions... how can we formulate and create our own? Currently... I find myself thanking the universe for sending me these differing thoughts and opinions because now is my chance to choose carefully. To make a choice ... do I honor my present feelings, thoughts and opinions... or do I change my perception? Like the word KARMA... the word CHANGE holds a negative connotation in most minds. But they are neither bad nor good. They are natural processes... they are natural laws. Therefore, to change one's perception may bring growth and may open the mind, and the Self, to positive energies and vibrations. Change is a beautiful thing... but we were taught: "always remain the same". If we substitute "the same" with "true" ... we hear ... "always remain true". True to who? True to yourSELF. Allowing change for yourself permits the self to grow and experience.

Allow the energy to flow naturally by staying true to your thoughts and emotions. If this flow is disrupted or blocked... we begin to internalize and contract this energy.... until it explodes into anxiety and/or depression. Give your peace to keep your peace.

Words flowing from my heart space. I feel a subtle pressure over my brow/forehead right now. What does this mean? Whatever it feels very loving and joyful. :)


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I had to share this video/song!!!

She has an amazing voice. It creates a floating feeling in my heart and puts a smile on my face. Even on this rainy and thunderstorm filled night... it makes me feel so much love... that I just EXPLODE and give it right back! :) "I can live on your smile" paints a picture of a sunny day, blue sky with a few clouds passing by and trees.

I could not have said it any better! It's as if she just took my thoughts about ... EVERYTHING beautiful in life and sang it right back to me.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Spiritual Transition

When I chose this path... I knew that there will be times that will be difficult. At first speaking my truth seemed to be a little difficult... but I noticed that the only fear I really had was fear in what people may say or think. Honestly... if my sponsoring thought is true and genuine... my fear begin to decrease and my truth begin to come out naturally. It's very hard to be who you are .. at first... but once you begin the journey... there really is no turning back. YOu just begin to love and appreciate yourself and your opinions more.

I believe that where I am in my path... the next step is going to be very difficult; letting go of the material world... bit by bit. I'm not saying that I'm going to get rid of my laptop, my tv, my bed or my car... but I'm talking about the connection that we build with certain objects. Things that do not have any sentimental value but we seem to add some kind of emotional connection to them. Or just the "need" to have something but in reality... it is not a necessity. I guess letting go of the material world is really embracing freedom. Because without all the emotional ties we have with these objects... we have room to think, love and grow. Just something to think about ...

I know that all my work has been noticed because I hear certain things and I see the way people react. With this said... people's opinions still matter to me very much. Especially when they are positive and our relationship is close and/or worth having. I say it over and over again... but to those in my life... this includes those reading this post... thank you for everything. Thank you for acknowledging the changes that I've made and thank you for your support. I need it. We all need it. So much love :)

All in all... I will continue my journey and I'm excited to meet the people I'm supposed to along the way. I'm so excited for my transition. :))


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Self Love

(I guess I'll just let this one flow as it comes to me... since I have no idea how to really start it LOL!)

I haven't been single for that long but I have not felt loneliness... and to be honest... I really don't think I will. You may be asking... (like most of my friends and family) "How are you doing this?" Well... from the love and support of my family and friends... and from the love and support of myself. Yes... it is difficult at first to detach yourself from someone or something... but honestly.. if it's to improve yourself emotionally, mentally and spiritually... LIVE IT UP!!! It definitely took me a long time to get to this mentality and to have my emotions in check.. so I understand where this question is coming from and I have also had my share of heartache, heartbreak and tears in the past. It's definitely ok to cry... but you must always remember that you are crying to let these emotions go... not to dwell. It definitely helps to make every effort to avoid asking questions that may cause you to dwell or question YOUR BEING. (When I say to question YOUR BEING... I mean it as in asking what you may have done wrong or what you should have done.) Again... making an effort to remember that this is an experience... and remember that you must learn the lesson at hand.. and move on with your journey. I know that what I'm about to say is cheesy or cliche ... but... LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE SAD!!!

And most importantly... remember that you are surrounded with love... and that you YOURSELF IS LOVE! You have it.. you share it... give yourself some love, please!!! We are all magnificent beings... can we please believe this now?? LOL!! :)

I also hear comments like.. "You'll feel the loneliness later when everything settles."

YIKES! LOL!! Well... like I said *above* love yourself... you ARE LOVE... you are surrounded by love. I understand that sometimes you may want to hold someone close or have conversations with someone... but it's really about knowing how to channel these emotions to positive and productive actions... CREATE!! Dance... sing... compose... write... paint...sculpt... draw... CREATE! This will definitely help in gaining appreciation and love for yourself and the beauty that life has to offer. And these are great ways to keep the mind from going into that cave of sorrow.. and these activities give your heart time to heal.

**(Excuse me if I get too deep or enthusiastic LOL!! LOVE LOVE LOVE)


Friday, September 2, 2011

Sleep and dreams

I've been having very vivid dreams and day dreams.  I think it actually started a few months ago.  I noticed that some of these dreams are influenced with someone else's thoughts.  No wonder I've been waking up confused!  I started feeling a little lost..and I couldn't understand why... when I thought about it last night... it dawned on me... "these are not my feelings and thoughts." Rather..they are someone else's ..someone who I've been connecting with more.  Wow... connections are strong.  This really means that I must strengthen my aura.  I'm so glad that I figured it out before I started freaking out and going crazy.  Phew!!!

But other than that...has anyone else out there been having trouble sleeping?? Or having vivid dreams or day dreams??  Or both??  I've been asking some friends...and so far.. they all have been having trouble sleeping through the night.  What is this?? I can't help but to be excited!!!  There's definitely something bigger happening.  Hmm.. time for some homework!

I usually use my dreams and day dreams as a guide. Kind of like that voice that gives you a warning or heads up on what's to come. Of course... I also believe that dreams are just the subconscious mind expressing thoughts. But I truly believe that sometimes.. when you build that connection with another being... your thoughts become theirs... and vice versa. I'm sure I'll go more in depth with it on a later blog.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Existence of true love

Believe in true love. I know there's people out there who either do not believe in love or are losing hope in finding true love. It's ok to be heartbroken... we all learn lessons and gain experiences from them. Yes it hurts and it may be the end of the world at the time.. but it really isn't. Give yourself time to heal and find the love within yourself to help mend your wounds. I know that it may be difficult at first... I know that there may or will be moments of weakness where you want to turn to someone or something to fill that void... but honestly... that's a temporary fix. After that person or thing is gone.. what is the next step? Finding love within yourself is definitely key to finding love externally... or for love to find you. Law of attraction. I know that some may not agree or are skeptical on the topic... but it makes sense to me. Put the positive energies and love out into the universe... and the universe will return it. Just like everything in may not be an instantaneous reflection... all good things come in time. Patience. Hope. Love. Truth. Find them within yourself.. and they will find you. There may be days or nights where it will become more difficult to hope and stay positive... but remember... that you deserve unconditional and eternal love. You deserve a genuine heart and soul that will aid you in your growth as a human being! Love yourself... and the universe will return it.

Be faithful to your beliefs and accept your flaws. No one is perfect... but that doesn't mean that we should abandon our growth to perfection. And by perfection.. I do not mean to cast people away because they are different or have different beliefs or lifestyles... I mean perfection as we are meant to be. Whole. One. Balanced. Loved. True. EVOLVED. True love exists if and when we choose to believe it exists. When we choose to accept and welcome it. Love is being thankful... love is being respectful... love is a reflection of the self. Find it... and appreciate it. It has always been there... and always will be.

I know that true love exists because I witness it's power each and every day. I find love within myself... within my family... within my friends... within the music I listen to... within the beauties of nature. All my love to you.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thank you for being you!

I'm so thankful for the people in my life. Thank you for the adventures and for making this journey so much fun. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, beliefs, love and kindness... you didn't have to.. but you did!! AMAZING! I'm very blessed to have met such great people. This journey is FAR from over... I hope and pray that you will continue this journey with me... but ... should you take a different path... I will always carry the memories with me throughout my journey and hope that one day our paths will cross again.

I just feel so inspired after all the conversations that I've had with everyone. Such beautiful minds, hearts and souls!!! I had to give thanks and appreciation. It really warms my heart. Truly. Thank you for your companionship, time, support and guidance. Thank you for all the experiences and the lessons.. the laughter and the tears. Thank you for BEING YOU!!! It means the world to me that you are here with me!! I hope that I can be a positive inspiration to you like you have been to me. You've helped me grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I love it!! Let's sing, let's dance... let's share all of these positive thoughts and all the love with everyone in our lives!! WOOO!!! I'm PUMPED for the days to come!!!

**PEACE and LOVE always

Internal conflicts

Currently... I'm experiencing an internal conflict. I believe that this is just my heart and my soul saying and expressing one thing... but my ego saying "no! it's always been this way.. keep it like this." It can get very difficult depending on the magnitude of the situation. Mine, however, is not too serious. Just a decision that I must make to improve and to manifest my desires. I know it will get easier as soon as I clear my mind more and really balance out my emotions. :) (I think I'm also getting used to some sacrifices and I am currently letting go of certain things and situations... so really.. I'm also getting used to these adjustments.)

The ego will always try to keep a strong hold on your true self... DONT LET IT!! When internal conflicts happen... that's really when we need to take a step back... take time for ourselves and think. Really do some soul searching... and really dig deep inside your heart to search for what you really desire. Most importantly... ask yourself... "Who are you doing this for? Are you truly making this decision for yourself? Will the outcome of this decision be positive FOR YOU in the long run??" This is your life... let yourself shine and move forward. Inspire and BE INSPIRED!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Today most of the east coast of the US experienced an earthquake! (We typically don't experience a lot of quakes in this region.) It was an exciting and fascinating event... to witness the Earth shifting and adjusting as she pleases. What a beautiful experience!!! It's been a long time since I've experienced an earthquake.. it definitely sent a jolt of inspiration up my spine. It was as if the Earth was telling me.."WAKE UP!!! Change and evolve with me!" So... of course.. I stood there (in front of my computer at work)... thinking "Ok... I need to make some adjustments for myself... to improve myself and continue to move forward in my spiritual journey...and to move forward in my overall journey through life." I know that for most people it takes a little bit more or less than an earthquake to have a moment of realization... but for me... I felt compelled to listen to what mother nature had to say. "Make the changes and adjustments to improve your spirit and mind."

Everything is a process. It takes time to create and evolve. It's time to take a step forward and keep fear away from our minds and our hearts. We don't know what life will give us... but we can make a conscious effort to prepare mentally, physically and emotionally.... and to also enjoy the beauties of life.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Enjoy and appreciate

Sometimes I find myself looking up at creations like the one above. I just HAVE to admire and give thanks for something so beautiful. I sit and just smile ... allow my heart to be filled with love and joy. It's one of the ways I can really get my mind to stop being on that daily-grind mentality. Sometimes we just have to slow down a little bit... take a deep breath... and get our centers back. We all can definitely need a break from all the craziness... just to stop and think and remember that we have spiritual needs and wants. You would be very surprised how at ease you feel after taking a few moments to admire and enjoy nature and her creations. Just appreciating the life and beauty of your environment... really opens your mind to positive thoughts and opens your heart to so much joy and love.

Admire nature... it never hides it's true beauty. It's always there and it will always amaze. Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming.. definitely brings me to tears. I have to say... sunsets are definitely my favorite!! All your troubles and worries just melt away .. and are replaced with love, happiness, joy, and excitement!!!! AHH!! Let's go play outside!!!!! (excuse me... my inner child wants to play... but that topic will come in another blog)


Friday, August 19, 2011


The root.
Understanding the root of your being is key. It's all about knowing yourself and where you come from.... your influences and what they've taught you... and what you have taught yourself. Be in touch with nature. Hear what the wind says ... smell what the flowers and trees smell... feel the vibrations all around you. The root... the root of it all. The root of your well being and the essence that keep you grounded.

The Creative.
The essence that moves you and your soul. The essence that creates happiness and love within your heart and assures your happiness and well being. Protect it... open it.... keep it from harms way. Fuel it with the positive energy it needs to function and feed your spirit.

The life force.
YOu. Your well being... oneness... and just YOU. This brings out your personality and your purpose in this world. Let it shine... like the sun. Let it blossom.. let it spread.

The love.
Embrace yourself and others. It's ok to make mistakes and believe lies and deceit... as long as you learn and grow. It's ok. Forgive yourself for making mistakes and believing lies. Everyone is in your life to teach a valuable lesson to help you grow. Love yourself and others... forgive yourself and others... share your joy and passions.

The voice.
Vocalize your positive thoughts and receive positive outcome. After all... "sharing is caring" right? :) hehe!! You might help another by your words of wisdom and experiences. Speak your truth in a respectful and considerate manner. Understand that you are a thinking and loving being...share it! :)

The intuition.
Trust your intuition. Having a "gut feeling" about something is usually your own self trying to make you aware of that particular situation. Let it guide you and help you on your path.

The higher mind.
Create positive thoughts and energy. Also... let it inside your mind. A positive mind is a healthy mind. Positive thoughts help you align all of the above.

I'll get into these more on a later blog... but I felt the urge to write some thoughts on these "energy hubs". Any questions? Please feel free to email :)


Thursday, August 18, 2011

My personal experience in this journey

I just wanted to share something I experienced quite recently. As you may know, I'm continuing this spiritual journey and there are decisions that I must make and situations I must face along the way. This is definitely one of them. As I wrote about in my previous blog about staying true to yourself... this is a perfect example... so I HAD to write about it.

Recently, I confronted someone about how they made me feel. I noticed that I was beginning to internalize negative feelings and energy ... and thought to myself "hold on, Karma... this is exactly what you were talking about before. Stay true... open up your heart... and show respect..." That's when I asked her... "can I talk to you, please?" We walk into a quiet room.. close the door ... we both sit down... and I just said it.. "I don't think you appreciate me." And as soon as those words came out my mouth.. I thought to myself.. "WOW... I feel so much better." I must admit..I was a little shaken up because I didn't think I would be sitting in this room with this woman and confronting her about how she's been making me feel. I gave her a little bit of my reasoning for it... but my main concern was myself and not to argue or even hear some kind of explanation. (The only reason why I did not want to hear too much of her side is because I already know how she truly felt about me... basically... I did not want to hear lies.) I don't think it's right for me to keep these feelings inside and unheard because of what it will do to my well being and my spirit. I felt these negative emotions creep deeper and deeper inside my heart ... and my heart started to race... I couldn't function properly in my daily routines.... yes... I had to say it... I had to say it fast.. I had to get rid of the negative energy. Of course, I said it in a respectful way... I did NOT want to hurt her feelings as well... I did this for myself and to make her aware of it. It was really more of a confession from my heart space.

Basically... I encourage you to speak your mind and your heart. Show your heart and spirit that you truly care and love yourself. If someone is saying or doing something negative and you feel it ... do NOT internalize it. Understand that you are confronting these issues or events to better yourself and always keep your well being in mind. After all... who will keep your heart and soul in mind? You will and you do... you are responsible for your thoughts and feelings... your spirit and your heart. Keep it alive.. keep it positive. Show yourself love, support, respect and care.

This was definitely a step forward in my path. Thanks for reading :)

*peace and love

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Loyalty and respect

I believe relationships are a reflecting image of the self.  I ALL relationships; friends, family, coworkers, lovers...all of it.  Loyalty and respect begin with yourself.  Showing yourself loyalty and respect will help you have a better understanding of your emotions and your true self.
Loyalty to yourself is achieved by knowing your beliefs and allowing them to show.  Allow your truth to shine.  Of course this must be done in a compassionate and respectable way..otherwise... how will it be taken seriously, right?  Expressing yourself and your passions does not mean to force your beliefs and being on others...but more on sharing and spreading the love and passions that move your soul.  Loyalty is also knowing when situations or people are harming you..and knowing when enough is enough. You do not have to absorb negativity.  You deserve a happy life filled with joy and love.  Its true that negative actions and people exist in this world.  They really are in our lives for a reason... we learn ..we grow... we gain strength.  But this does not mean to internalize their negative thoughts and actions.  Know what the lesson is..know the changes you want to make to improve your being... know when to walk away.  Show yourself the love, loyalty and respect you deserve ..and it will be reflected.

Like I said... you deserve happiness and love.  Listen to your heart.  It will navigate you through all the hardships and hate.  Let it guide you through darkness and back into light.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Follow your heart

Follow your heart and you will find your own path. Meet people along the way that will help you grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Some may even help by guiding you.
Dance if you want.. sing if you want on your journey. You may hit a fork on the road and you may ask "where do i go?" or "who knows the way to go?" As you sit in peace and silence.. reach inside or just accept happiness and joy... you'll find the path again. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, hopes and dreams... fill your heart with love and joy... Fill your life with all of the above and find your spiritual freedom. Your heart will not disappoint or let you down. Even though, we may have allowed people or things in our lives that hurt us... they existed because we must learn and experience. Trust in your heart... be good to it... you deserve love and happiness. I guess this is going to tie into forgiveness and loyalty... but that will have to come in a later entry.

Some may be asking "what the hell is this girl talking about?" (LOL) I guess I'm just hoping that everyone can enjoy their journey through life and learn from their experiences and people they meet. Share and spread the love and joy they feel each and every single day. And I hope our creative nature will help us through our hardships.

**for your listening pleasure:


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Let your emotions show

Sometimes you may want to cry and feel like it's embarrassing or stupid to do so... but no. It's your soul saying.. "let it out." If you're sad about something.. let yourself be sad and cry. Keeping these emotions trapped inside can turn into anger, frustration, confusion and build regrets. Allow yourself to be sad, happy or angry. You have every right to feel these emotions. As long as you're emitting these emotions in a productive and respectable way... do it! For example, sometimes when I get too emotional and crying doesn't happen... I go to the dance studio and let my emotions show through my dance. Some may write poetry, some may sing, some may paint, some may play an instrument.. it's all about turning the negative into positive. Channeling your energy to maintain positive thoughts.

(When I say to just be sad or be angry... I'm not encouraging to dwell and letting fear and aggression consume you. I mean it in terms of just opening your heart and allowing yourself to express these emotions in a respectable manner.)

You deserve to be happy and joyful. With your happy and joyful self.. you are capable of touching others' hearts and lifting their vibrations and spirits. Spread the love, spread the joy... we ALL deserve happiness in our lives.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cutting ties to make room for a happier YOU

Cutting ties from any kind of negative relationship or feeling/energy is very liberating. Not only does it feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.. but it feels like you can finally breathe! You can finally inhale the fresh air and move forward in your life.

An advice I give myself a daily basis (I try to make a conscious effort to do this... it's difficult at times):

If you have anything to say... say it. Holding any negative energy or thoughts inside your heart will manifest into resentment and make room for mistakes and pain.

Once you speak the truth about how you truly feel and why you're feeling this way... you can breathe. You can finally stop holding your breath on certain topics or instances. And of course speak your truth in an appropriate and respectable way. Feelings can often get hurt when being confronted but I believe that if it's done in a manner that show respect ... you will receive it in return. In order for others to take your feelings and thoughts seriously... you must show them your respect as well.

Speaking your truth doesn't always mean to speak on the negative. If you have something to say that's positive... say it! It also makes you feel good and often makes someone else feel good. Why NOT put a smile on someone's face??? SAY IT... DO IT!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Loving yourself through forgiveness

One of the best ways to show yourself love and appreciation is to forgive. Forgive yourself for allowing someone to hurt you, forgive for believing lies, forgive for your weaknesses. We experience these hardships to learn and grow... not to keep ourselves from loving who we are. That's the beauty part of being human and having our emotions... we can learn and forgive. Forgiving ourselves allows our heart to heal and send out positive vibes into the world... and into our lives. We are amazing beings capable of loving ourselves and others.. so let's do it. We're not perfect .. and outside influences try to keep us from finding wholeness and serenity within ourselves... don't let it. Forgive... gain strength... and above all.. love.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This week has been very eventful... and it's only Wednesday! :) There's definitely more to come! I just feel more excited and happy .. for no particular reason. So many things are happening and all these happenings are positive! So excited!! I've been dancing more and more to make sure that I express the excitement and freedom I've been feeling. I guess maybe that's a sign that I'm heading the right way. Making sure that your heart and your mind are open and full of love and positiveness.

Maybe it really has to do with making a more conscious effort on keeping myself and my surroundings happy and positive. And maybe also letting myself be happy and excited. All i know is... I can't wait until the fall. I definitely need to hike up a mountain... and just breathe. I guess it's really my heart letting go of all things that are negative. I found the holding negative thoughts, feelings and energy .. really starts to break down your soul and your genuine and loving nature. It's time to forgive and let go. Forgive those that's hurt you... forgive yourself for letting them... forgive yourself for doubting and for holding it in. It's ok. And just tell yourself... I love you. Share it!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The path

Ever since I opened "Finding of the Third Eye," I've been trying my best to trust myself (not just my intuition... but my whole being) in every situation. I definitely want to become a more spiritual person. I feel that in understanding yourself .. you can tune into everything. I know it may not make much sense... probably because I'm trying to write on a more broad scale. As time goes on.. I'm sure it will make more sense. Patience.

I know I am seeking for more guidance. In seeking... I mean... listening.. watching... feeling. I'm not worried at all about walking this path. I know that in this spiritual path... tools and people will come to guide me. After all these years I've learned that experiences teach you lessons but there are people and tools that will guide you. Life will always take its course.. and in that course you will change. I want to make every effort that I can to ensure that my changes will be positive.. not only for myself but for everyone. It's funny how things, experiences and people can change you... without you even knowing. This is why I feel like becoming more spiritual is vital. I know myself therefore I AM myself. People will often make attempts to lure you into "group think"... but why?? Positive minds... will always find themselves. Positive thoughts protect us and keep us happy.

I guess all I'm really trying to say is that... I'm walking in the path to spirituality. I may not know what is ahead of me but mind, my body and my soul gravitate towards it. (Whatever IT may be.) Seems like I just need to clear my mind and open my heart.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

what are your ideals? in what do you really believe?

My ideal is just to be happy and content with who I am and what and who I have in my life. Having the privacy to learn things about myself and the nature.. but also having the luxury of being surrounded by those whom I love and cherish.

I believe that once love has found its way into your heart... it will always stay. Although life may give rise to events that may smother love's fire... it will never be put out. It may grow dim over time due to heartache and broken hearts... but with our minds we can make the fire burn stronger. Our minds remember the love that was once so strong and vibrant... this memory.. becomes a dream... which can then cycle back into reality. Our heart is strong... our mind is strong... together.. it makes us stronger ... it makes love shine.

what is your ambition in life and why?

to find my true self... and to help others in any way I can. To make sure that the imprint I leave on this Earth... is positive.

are you prepared to face the truth about ourselves and make a change? or are you liable to sit on both sides of the fence?

I'm prepared to face the truth.. slowly but surely. I understand that in order to make changes.. we must see the truth. The truth not only comes from the interpretations of others.. but from the mirror in front of us. Each wrinkle on our face tells stories of happiness and sadness... positive and negative... we must remember to "develop the negative into a positive picture".

There will be a time of uncertainty... this time of uncertainty will the location between both sides of the fence. Will this change be positive... or will it remain stagnant... is what I would ask myself at that crossroad.

what are your faults? what are your talents? what are we doing about them?

hate... negativity. I've enforced so much into my world ... I find it difficult at times to rid myself of this image of the past. I try to catch my words and my thoughts before it tears away at any positivity. Some days claim to be more difficult than some... but by submitting your pride... shows shame in the negative action has taken place.

what are the things which affect and worry you? just how important are they?

Gossip and other negative forces that may be too strong for me to handle. It's important to me to keep my mind away from such things so that they do not become my habits.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Path of Spirituality and Oneness

As the title implies... I'm definitely on a path to oneness. It's challenging at times like when people almost run into your car when you have the right of way or when someone is constantly screaming at you for something out of your control. But I feel that a little meditation balances everything being thrown in my direction.

I've been cleansing my chakras at least twice a day; when I wake up and before I go to sleep. I found that things are very harmonious once this ritual has been performed. I usually put an instructional video on to help guide me through the medication.. I find it useful since I'm a beginner. At the end of the video the "instructor" says "remember that every time you encounter someone.. you are touching them with your energy. So make sure that your energy is always pure." Very true.

I must admit... at first I was scared of taking this path but I always knew that it would be an amazing one. I guess I was just scared of letting some things go.